
I started doing sound work when Uno, a friend in a band (Stage), asked me to help him work out how to use the 6 channel mixer he’d just bought. I went along to a rehearsal and played around a bit, they thought the sound was better than they had before, and I got roped into running the desk (until the band split.)

I went with Uno, who performed as a solo singer/songwriter for a while gigging from Somerset to West Sussex. I also helped out when he formed a band with his brother Lionel (guitar & keyboards), John (drums), Adam (bass) and Roy(lead guitar).

I helped roadie for a few bands after that, mostly non sound work (House of Cards, County Line, Dr Brown, Stone Cold, The Great Imperial Yoyo, Evolve, Novak n’ Goode.)

Then I got a job working away, and had to give up the rock and roll lifestyle :)

Then one day some friends were talking about starting an open mic night and wondering who they could get to do the sound. They asked if I could help out, I said I was a bit rusty but I’d give it a go, and so the AlleyCats open mic night was born (using borrowed gear.)

Since then I’ve been asked to do sound more and more often. So I had to buy my own equipment 16/32 channel desk, 1K amp (FOH), 300W amp (fold back), mics, stands, bass bins, tops etc.

Bands I have worked with over the last few years include

and so many others whose names I was never told or unfortunately I forgot (sorry)

The major high lights of 2009 for me were The Hampshire Green Fair
and doing the sound for King Rollo (at The Golden Eagle)

AlleyCats Open Mic Night

1st Sunday of every month at The Barley Mow, 39 Castle Road, Southsea
3rd Sunday of every month at The Winchester Arms, Winchester Rd, Buckland
Last Sunday of every month
at The Golden Eagle, 1 Delamere Rd, Southsea

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